New Website

Im finally creating a website thats going to show some of my projects from university. It will also include ways to contact me and a link to hire me on people per hour. Im designing it on wix because my coding and website creation knowledge is almost none, and I need more time to create one from scratch. But wix have some great free templates that you can customise in several ways to get a nice looking website. Bit of a preview below !


I have not been able to blog my work in such a long time, mostly because I have finished university and am still looking for work. But in the mean time I have been working at JD Wetherspoon, and where I can, creating posters and designs for some of the pubs events. Got some examples of here of posters I creating in just a couple of hours for valentines day and the upcoming Real ale festival.

Winston Churchill Revisit

For my third self directed graduation project I decided to revisit an old project from my second year. This was a Winston Churchill timeline, I was not happy with my final, and felt like it had more potential. I have images of the recreation below, where the timeline is much more typography based than my first idea. I created it so it could be folded and put into a 50s style sleeve, with a newspaper front sheet.