All Star Superman

This is one of my favourite comic books I have read so far, absolutely loved this. The whole fantasy style of it just made it really fun. Great story line and ideas.


I have already read Carnage U.S.A which I thought was awesome, so thought I would go for Carnage Family Feud, even though these are obviously in the wrong order they are still both great comics. I love the illustration style, so much detail that fits the character perfectly.

Save water

This third year project was based upon the idea of getting people to save water. My idea was to show people how much water they were wasting when using household appliances. I did this using bottled water and info graphics to portray the water wastage. I have some mock ups of the posters here.


Alight was a sheffield music festival that took place last year. One of our second year briefs was to create posters and designs to advertise this event. We were told in the brief that there were three main parts to the event, twilight, daylight and into the night which should influence our ideas.